We've got the same financial concerns as the rest of hard working Americans. We don't have extra cash to throw around willy nilly! Therefore, I take our investments seriously. There are several things we will put on the proverbial back burner until things turn around - like home renovations, big vacations, new clothes for mom and dad, the car I *really* want, and so on.Those are things I can go back to someday. For the most part, they'll always be there.The same cannot be said for our health. If we are not proactively creating health, then we are actively (albeit passively) moving away from health.
Every time we choose NOT to make a pure and sufficient nutrition decision, there are consequences. Consequences that accumulate over time. Every time we make a toxic and deficient nutrition decision, there are consequences.The science of epigenetics has clearly demonstrated that it's this type of environment that will determine a less-than-ideal genetic expression. There are consequences.Every time we make that less healthy choice, we set the stage for one or more of the five pillars of chronic illness: insulin resistance, chronic inflammation, release of stress hormones, decreased sex hormone binding globulin, and decreased immunity. These unequivocally lead to chronic illness (cancer, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, depression, digestive disorders, infertility, etc.) - this is exactly how we get sick. It's not random chance or family history. When I choose not to re-do our bathroom for awhile and invest in healthier food (and other healthy lifestyle choices) instead, the result is that I still have a 1970's looking bathroom! When I choose to forego the healthier food, the results are clearly, scientifically more devastating.