
Posted on Sep 02, 2016 | Hits: 300 | Stock No: #0519
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Location:   New York

Perform five trips for two minutes, with rest of fifteen minutes between sets. Profi - for people who want to challenge yourself. Xplosive Vital You must perform six sets of three minutes, with a minute rest between sets. We do not recommend this kind of exercise for people with heart disease or who have joint problems.

Burpoe for special purposes To enhance the training of individual muscle groups, athletes use additional equipment: a weighted vest, dumbbells, kettlebells, medboly, weighting on the hands and feet. The fighters of mixed martial arts use "Burpoe" in the training process, including in the "shadow boxing" to simulate the protection of the aisle in the legs. New York Just "Burpoe" are a great alternative run , saves time. Technique Burpoe video: Style Summary StyleFitness loves "Burpoe" as may love a thousand brothers his own sister.

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