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But it is a great opportunity to learn more about those companies and those connections that you forge in those Week in Cities can be very helpful as you apply, just so that you have a reference point when you're talking about why you're interested in working for a particular company. The Week in Cities are also very much run by the students, especially the First Year students. There are some Week in City chairs that are the First Years on the Cabinet and so they're very flexible about exactly where they go and what companies are being seen, depending on student interest for that year. One example would be there's some talk this year about doing a local Week in Cities in some of the clubs as well. So people who are interested in staying in sort of the Durham, North Carolina/Triangle area. So there's a lot of opportunity for, as a First Year, sort of new member, to take a leadership position when it comes to the Week in Cities, to tailor it to your interest.